Visitor Management System is one of the most important task and software that should any organization should purchase where visitors comes often to meet with college staff, students, management and for other purpose like admission, placement, degree, fees submit, proposals etc. In any institute, everyday many people visits for the official and non-official work. Our Visitor Management system maintains the complete records and history of every visitors for which purpose and to whom people are coming. As our Software is compatible with SMS facility, It send SMS to both numbers to whom visitors wants to meet and to the visitor itself.
Visitors Receive a SMS of Welcoming to the institutions and also the person will get the alert that particular person is here to meet with him/her. This also benefits in our admission cell, placement cell and other department. Assume some parents visit the campus and wants to meet in admission cell, reception makes the entry then our admission cell automatically gets the alert that parents wants to meet with him regarding admission purpose. This will prepare them for the presentation.
Assume management is waiting for someone but due to busy schedule they forget about that person. Our SMS facility send the alert to the management that particular person is here to meet with them. Also we keep a records of items to be carried by the visitors. We keep the records how much time they spend in the campus. Guard can issue the visitors cards to them.  Some key features are